We provide a directory of free preschools in Denver, Colorado. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.
Enrollment:MHM is currently enrolling children ages 2 months - 5 years in its comprehensive early learning programs at six conveniently located centers.For information contact: Lupe Gonzales, (303-962-2618 or lupeg@milehighmontessori.org), Mary Hahn (303-962-2617 or maryh@milehighmontessori.org) or
Enrollment:MHM is currently enrolling children ages 2 months - 5 years in its comprehensive early learning programs at six conveniently located centers.For information contact: Lupe Gonzales, (303-962-2618 or lupeg@milehighmontessori.org), Mary Hahn (303-962-2617 or maryh@milehighmontessori.org) or
Enrollment:MHM is currently enrolling children ages 2 months - 5 years in its comprehensive early learning programs at six conveniently located centers.For information contact: Lupe Gonzales, (303-962-2618 or lupeg@milehighmontessori.org), Mary Hahn (303-962-2617 or maryh@milehighmontessori.org) or