We provide a directory of free preschools in Yamhill, Oregon. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.
Enrollment for these classes follow the federal and state income guidelines with the goal of serving the lowest of low-income and those with the greatest need for Head Start services.
Enrollment for these classes follow the federal and state income guidelines with the goal of serving the lowest of low-income and those with the greatest need for Head Start services. Please use these ENROLLMENT forms in English and Spanish .
Enrollment for these classes follow the federal and state income guidelines with the goal of serving the lowest of low-income and those with the greatest need for Head Start services. Please use these ENROLLMENT forms in English and Spanish .
Enrollment for these classes follow the federal and state income guidelines with the goal of serving the lowest of low-income and those with the greatest need for Head Start services. Please use these ENROLLMENT forms in English and Spanish .