We provide a directory of free preschools in Pend Oreille, Washington. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.
HOW CAN A FAMILY ENROLL?Families can get more information about enrolling by:Calling toll free: 1.800.776.9136- OR -Stop by the EWU Colville EHS CenterEWU Colville Early Head Start Center146 D Buena Vista Rd.Colville, WA 99114(509) 685-1815- OR -Stop by the Newport OfficeEWU Early Head Start Newport
Eligibility requirements and enrollment: Children ages three, four or five and from low-income families or have a disability are eligible for Head Start. The ECEAP program is for children ages three or four years old by August 31st. Children with documented delays also are eligible, as are children