We provide a directory of free preschools in Boise, Idaho. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.
If you are a parent seeking additional information or wanting to enroll a child in Head Start, or if you are interested in the Early Head Start program for expectant mothers and children ages 0-3, visit our main office, or call for more information:Administrative OfficeFriends of Children and Famili
If you are a parent seeking additional information or wanting to enroll a child in Head Start, or if you are interested in the Early Head Start program for expectant mothers and children ages 0-3, visit our main office, or call for more information:Administrative OfficeFriends of Children and Famili
If you are a parent seeking additional information or wanting to enroll a child in Head Start, or if you are interested in the Early Head Start program for expectant mothers and children ages 0-3, visit our main office, or call for more information:Administrative OfficeFriends of Children and Famili