Faxon Elementary

Contact Information:

1320 E. 32nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
(816) 418-6525

About this PreSchool

Eligibility/Enrollment - (816) 418-5213KCMSD Head Start will serve children three to five years of age. To be eligible for Head Start services, the child must be at least three years old by August 31. Priority will be given to children from income-eligible families with the highest points based on criteria. Verification must include examination of any of the following:Tax form 1040, W-2 forms, pay stubs, pay envelopes, or a written statement from employers, and/or documentation showing current status as recipients of public assistance.Ten percent of the total enrollment slots must be for children with diagnosed disabilities.Children who receive public assistance through TANF and SSI are eligible. (Children [families] who receive food stamps or child care subsidies can no longer be automatically qualified.)Previously enrolled children will be eligible for enrollment the second year without verifying the family income.

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