Lusk Early Childhood Center

Contact Information:

801 S. Maple
Lusk, WY 82225
(307) 334-2252

About this PreSchool

Who is eligible for Head Start and how do I apply?To be eligible for Early Head Start/ Head Start:You must live in the community where you apply Your child must be between 0 and 5 years of age, pregnant mothers are also eligible for Early Head StartCheck with your local center regarding eligibility requirements Who is eligible Discovery Preschool?To be eligible for Discovery Preschool:You must live in a community where you applyYour child must be between 3 and 5 years of ageCheck with your local center regarding eligibility requirementsWho is eligible for Developmental DisabilitiesServices?To be eligible for Development Disabilities:All children brith to 5 years of age with special needs - regardless of income

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