SCAP Head Start - Scotia-Glen Worden Center

Contact Information:

SCAP Head Start
Scotia, NY 12302
(518) 346-4703

About this PreSchool

How to EnrollTo enroll your pre-school child, you must rstcomplete an applicaion which can be mailedto you on request by calling SCAP's Head Startoce at 518-377-8539. Also, you may pick upan applicaion from the SCAP Head Start oceat 100 Bigelow Avenue, Schenectady or at SCAP'smain oce at 913 Albany Street, Schenectady.For your applicaion to be processed, you mustsubmit the following documentaion: (tm) proof of your child's age(copy of birth cericate) (tm) proof of your family's annual income:pay stubs from each parent for theprevious year, orcopy of SSI payment receipts, orcopy of current income tax return, orcopy of the payment receipt forunemployment insurance or disabilitypayments, andproof of any other income yourfamily receives. (tm) For foster children, the only proof of incomerequired is documentaion of the sipendamount received from DSS or otherplacement agency.

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